Precision medicine, research and start-ups: the new frontiers of technology transfer to invest in to revolutionize treatments

Trieste, 31 October 2024 – On the occasion of the Trieste stop of the roadshow ‘HEAL ITALIA ROADSHOW – Technologies and Innovation. Innovation on the road’, the Polo Tecnologico Alto Adriatico “Andrea Galvani”, as managing body of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Life Sciences Cluster, and HEAL ITALIA have defined a Memorandum of Understanding aimed at strengthening collaboration to promote innovative projects in the field of life sciences and precision medicine. The objective of the agreement, lasting three years, is to encourage the development of joint activities such as collaboration to encourage the creation and development of start-ups in the Life Sciences sector or the promotion of shared studies and research projects and to support innovation through initiatives that include, among others, the organization of training courses focused on research and technology transfer.

The event, hosted yesterday at the Urban Center in Trieste, also represented an important opportunity to learn about the innovation ecosystems for the Life Sciences sector present in Italy and the European network for precision medicine. During the meeting, which saw the main players in the academic, clinical and industrial sectors meet, the opportunities and progress of the Heal Italia Project were presented, the first Italian foundation to coordinate a multidisciplinary network of universities, IRCCS, companies, scientists, technologists and young researchers with the aim of improving health services through research, precision medicine and innovative start-ups, focused on fundamental research, translational research and technology transfer in an interdisciplinary perspective.

Opened by greetings from Franco Scolari, Director of Polo Tecnologico Alto Adriatico, and Andrea Pace, President of Fondazione Heal Italia, the stage of the road show dedicated to Friuli Venezia Giulia saw the introductory speech by Stefano De Monte, Cluster Manager of the FVG Life Sciences Cluster – Polo Tecnologico AA, who presented the regional Life Sciences ecosystem and the related initiatives implemented by the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia.

“This opportunity for discussion – said Stefano De Monte, Cluster Manager of the FVG Life Sciences Cluster – AA Technology Hub – marks a decisive step to promote innovation in Life Sciences, combining skills and resources to support the growth of the sector in Friuli Venezia Giulia, bringing together innovative entrepreneurial realities such as those present today and the broad and complex world of scientific research. With HEAL ITALIA we will work to spread knowledge on Precision Medicine, develop advanced training courses and support new initiatives and start-ups. Together, we want to create an ecosystem in which research, technology and entrepreneurship can collaborate effectively, contributing to the scientific and technological progress of the territory”.

Following this, for the session dedicated to taking stock of precision medicine in Italy and Europe, Andrea Paolini, President of the Fondazione Toscana Life Science, and Laura Leonardis, Program and Research Manager and Operations Director of the Heal Italia Foundation, spoke. They also discussed oncology in the era of precision medicine and how precise drug prescription really is, together with Erika Cecchin, Experimental Pharmacology and Clinic CRO Aviano, and with Paola Rossi, Central Directorate of Health, Social Policies and Disability of the FVG Region, who gave a virtuous example of active pharmacovigilance by describing a cooperation project between regional IRCCS coordinated by the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia. The session ended with Michele Dal Bo, Experimental Pharmacology and Clinic CRO Aviano, who focused on the development of new anti-tumor drugs and the activities developed in the context of Spoke 5 and Spoke 6 of Heal Italia.

“In terms of innovation – explained Paola Rossi, Central Directorate for Health, Social Policies and Disability of the FVG Region – precision medicine, understood not only as research into new specific target therapeutic entities, but also as personalized dosage of therapy based on the genetic profile, represents a challenge for improving the health system. In this context, the project “Pharmacogenetics, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) and Active Pharmacovigilance as innovative tools aimed at optimizing/appropriateness of pharmacological therapy and minimizing the risks of ADRs in clinical practice”, financed by AIFA, represents a virtuous example of cooperation between the FVG Region and regional IRCSS, with the aim of being able to export a multidisciplinary approach applicable to clinical practice in oncology and pediatric autoimmune diseases at a national level”.

“The synergy between hubs and territories represents the first useful tool to multiply the value of actions and interventions to support research, innovation and above all “people”; PhD students, doctors, technologists who generate that innovation and citizens and patients for whom research can make a difference – said Laura Leonardis, Program and Research Manager Fondazione Heal Italia – The logic of “doing together” inspired the creation of the HEAL ITALIA Program, a production and specialized supply chain at the service of research and innovation that aims to bring Precision Medicine throughout Italy”.

“As the TLS Foundation, we have joined Heal Italia with great favor because it represents a strategic project that boasts a partnership of great depth and excellent skills in precision medicine – stated Andrea Paolini, General Manager of the Fondazione Toscana Life Sciences and member of the Board of Directors of the HEAL ITALIA Foundation – Through the widespread action of territorial systems, the excellence present in the fields of research, business and clinical practice must be brought to a national scale. Heal Italia is working in this direction to harmonize, structure and enhance the skills that each territory brings, in a logic of complex and functional ecosystems. The next important challenge will be to position this cohesion and this model also at a European and international level”.

The event continued with a moment of discussion between representatives of five start-ups belonging to the Friuli Venezia Giulia Life Sciences Cluster: Luca Emili, CEO InSilico Trials; Alessandro Pozzato CEO NanoPhoenix; Francesco Menegoni, CEO Biovalley Investment Partner; Alessia Covre, R&D manager Epigen Therapeutics; Bruno Bembi, president Transactiva. In conclusion, the session dedicated to the frontiers of precision medicine and technology transfer with the speech of Ennio Tasciotti, Scientific Advisor of the FVG Life Sciences Cluster who commented: “Precision medicine represents a revolution in the way of conceiving care, and allows us to personalize the treatments best suited to the needs of each patient. However, to bring these innovations to the patient’s bedside, a strong innovation ecosystem is needed that includes all the actors and structures needed to carry out translational research. In Italy, we have enormous scientific potential, but it is essential to consolidate technology transfer mechanisms to accelerate the transition from research to clinical application and create value for both patients and the healthcare system. Only through institutional and financial support for innovation and thanks to structures dedicated to the protection of intellectual property and patent licensing, we could further enhance our discoveries, and generate a significant impact on patient well-being and the sustainability of the healthcare system.”

Through the FVG Life Sciences Cluster, numerous public and private stakeholders – regional and otherwise – can interface and collaborate effectively with the aim of stimulating the development and growth of start-ups and innovative companies, of creating a network between institutions, companies, research centers, thus attracting innovation and new investments in the regional territory. The SDV Cluster is positioned within the regional smart specialization strategy (S4) for the Area “Health, Quality of life, Agri-food and Bioeconomy”, operating on four trajectories: systems and solutions for maintaining health and supporting care (nutraceuticals, food supplements, functional foods, medical nutrition and functional cosmetics); innovative biomedical solutions and systems: integrated development of medical devices; solutions and systems for innovative therapies; active & assisted living solutions and systems for supporting frailty.

The project submission procedure takes place in distinct periods starting from 31 October 2024.

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