
  • The extension for the registration deadlines for the National Doctorate in Precision Medicine promoted by the Heal Italia Foundation has been reopened

    The extension for the registration deadlines for the National Doctorate in Precision Medicine promoted by the Heal Italia Foundation has been reopened

  • Live Webinar: Observ-action about… precision medicine

    Live Webinar: Observ-action about… precision medicine

  • The second edition of the National PhD in Precision Medicine is underway

    The second edition of the National PhD in Precision Medicine is underway

  • AGE-IT and the HEAL Italia Foundation collaborate to promote joint research initiatives on Precision Medicine and Healthy Aging

    AGE-IT and the HEAL Italia Foundation collaborate to promote joint research initiatives on Precision Medicine and Healthy Aging

  • New Cascade call for the Spoke 6

    New Cascade call for the Spoke 6

  • AIHLS Summer School – Special sponsorship from the Heal Italia Foundation

    AIHLS Summer School – Special sponsorship from the Heal Italia Foundation

  • Sanità – Nisticò: portare la medicina di precisione a livello istituzionale

    Sanità – Nisticò: portare la medicina di precisione a livello istituzionale

  • Via al Forum nazionale sulla Medicina di Precisione

    Via al Forum nazionale sulla Medicina di Precisione

  • Institutional greetings from Minister Schillaci for the National Forum on Precision Medicine

    Institutional greetings from Minister Schillaci for the National Forum on Precision Medicine

  • National Forum on Precision Medicine

    National Forum on Precision Medicine