The HEAL ITALIA ROADSHOW – Technologies and Innovation, Innovation on the Road National Campaign started in Cagliari last October 2024. The format of the Roadshow includes presentations, round tables, interactive workshops, networking events on the topics of technology transfer, the development of start-ups in the biomedical/Life Sciences sector, Technologies 5.0, with priority reference to Artificial Intelligence applications and improvement of health services. The aim is to make the Research Programme, services and activities carried out by the Foundation known to regional and local administrations, investment funds, clinical centres, universities and the population, in order to give researchers a voice, promote connections , share knowledge on technologies under development, patents, experiences and best practices, as well as create strategic synergies, intercept new funds and opportunities and build new projects together.
The event held in Cagliari was dedicated to the launch of the Heal Italia Centers for Precision Medicine.
In Trieste the focus was on strengthening collaborations with districts and companies in the life sciences supply chain.
In Ancona, the Foundation participated in the event dedicated to “Rare Diseases – New national and regional strategies to improve the quality of care” organized by the University Hospital of the Marche and UNIVPM, with the coordination of Prof. Gianluca Moroncini, Clinical Director Medica AOUM, Head of ERN-ReCONNET (AOUM) and coordinator of the Heal Italia scientific thematic networks, on the occasion of the G7 Health in Ancona.
The event in Rome was dedicated to the launch of Heal Italia as a National Innovation Hub for Precision Medicine.
Each stage is therefore the result of a process of sharing with partner institutions and has the aim of describing the Program to the territories through targeted themes.
Stay updated and participate in the next steps
02 october 2024
Le nuove frontiere
del Trasferimento Tecnologico:
Medicina di Precisione e Start-up
05 october 2024
Le Malattie Rare – Nuove strategie nazionali e regionali per migliorare la qualità delle cure
30 october 2024
Heal Italia Roadshow – Tecnologie e innovazione, Innovation on the Road – Tappa Friuli Venezia Giulia
11 december 2024